Support your Keto Lifestyle

Courtesy of Heather Ford/

Keto and Keto Diets are a proven way for people to control their diet and their health. As research evolves, most people are aware now that healthy fats are not the demons we were once taught they were. Healthy fats are essential to everything from brain function to healthy joints. However, the extreme amounts of sugar and glucose we consume as a population are what create the biggest issues.  

Not to mention that for decades foods have been stripped of more and more nutrients by processing methods used by commercial industries.

And even in the growing phase. Many big farms use methods that strip vital nutrients from the soil that would normally be in the food and transferred to us when we eat them. One example of this is magnesium. Did you know that most people are actually magnesium deficient in nations that eat similar to the Standard American Diet? It is important, because that one nutrient helps your body with over 300 different functions!

The Product I am talking about today works on another area of your health, which is just as essential! It contains compounds that have also been stripped from our modern diets.

 With eMulin you are about to experience your body starting to work the way it is supposed to!  It was discovered by Dr. Joseph Arhens and his research found compounds, initially in grapefruits, but also other plants that have sugar in them that regulate the sugar in the plants…and guess what? It works in our bodies as well! The compounds regulate sugar in your body– he calls them sugar chaperones as they help ‘escort it’ out of your body! In addition, it helps keep inflammation down, which helps you feel better. He makes absolutely no claim to heal diseases.

However, research shows that most diseases result or are made worse by inflammation. So it only makes sense that if you can reduce that, other health issues may improve or even disappear!

Now, I am not saying you can go into ketosis by taking this product. I am saying that you can support your immune system with this natural product, which also helps get rid of the excess sugar in your body.

There are some great sweetening options out there as well, if you sometimes you find you just HAVE to have a taste. Don’t use the fake stuff….your body treats it like sugar anyway, and it can’t break down chemical sweeteners…anything it can’t break down it stores in fat, which defeats the purpose of using it! I have tried Stevia, which I like to use in my iced coffee recipes because it hides the bitterness, but I like Monkfruit the best. You can get certified NONGMO project verified Stevia and Monkfruit right here.

Most of us need to cut way down on the amount of sugar we consume…I just read an article on that talks about 56 most common names for sugar….but there are a lot more than 56! So, even if you read labels if you don’t know the other names manufacturers list sugar as…how do you know how much you are really consuming?

Ketosis is a natural process where fat stores are broken down to release energy and ketones. Basically, you are getting your body to burn fat as energy, instead of sugar. In order to do that, you need to drastically reduce the sugar you consume so your body has to raid its’ stores, so to speak.

The other part of that–research shows that some fat stores are actually caused by inflammation. Your body is trying to protect itself. So, if you can help reduce the inflammation, it can only help the Keto process as well!

eMulin, in supporting your immune system, will improve your energy levels, not to mention focus and concentration! 

Can you do Keto without supplements? Absolutely! But doesn’t it make sense to support your body, especially as you transition into a new lifestyle? That is why I recommend this product, which my husband and I both tried! We definitely feel better when we are taking it! I am ordering more for us this week, actually!

Natural Immune Support

eMulin is being offered by one of my favorite companies. They are the makers of my magic coffee and many other products with natural ingredients for healthy living. 

If you are looking for a great product to support your quest to get healthier, you just found it…

You can order eMulin through this link.

Some common Benefits of Keto:

People report more stable energy levels. Less brain fog, which helps with clear thinking. Fewer aches and pains and better digestive health are also benefits to expect. And all of that should naturally result in improved moods!

When you try it and see how your overall happiness and physical well being improve, I would love for you to let me know! If you really like it like I believe you will, you might also consider turning recommending it into a career! The pay is great and you can feel good about recommending products that can actually help people! Check out the opportunity right here!

If you like Sodas, but don’t want the sugar, and certainly don’t want the artificial sweeteners, you might try Zevia. It is zero calorie and as you probably can guess by the name, sweetened with Stevia. It has been around for awhile, but yesterday was the first time I saw it in my local grocery store.

The soda was on sale, but still too expensive, lol. I got three flavors to try. Grape, Gingerale, and their Dr. Zevia. Way better than mainstream chemical laden diet sodas. As I said, too expensive even on sale at the grocery store, so I got online and found a 24 can variety pack at and Amazon… Ten dollars cheaper on Amazon. Just saying!