Egg Cups Work for Diabetic or Keto/Low Carb Meals

Whether you are actively following a diabetic diet or ‘doing Keto,’ or maybe just avoiding extra carbs or gluten, these Egg cups are super easy and tasty to make! You can use any ingredients you would put in an omelet, but it is a much faster process and you don’t have to stand over the stove while the cook!

For kitchen tools, all you need is a muffin pan.

You can lightly grease with oil or butter, or cooking spray, then line with your choice of meat. I have done both Ham and pastrami this week with great results. Perfectly delicious with peppered turkey, as well! So, if you don’t do ham or beef, you can still have yummy egg cups!

I had lucked into a huge sale at the deli counter recently–I am talking about $80 worth of quality of sliced deli meat for less than $10. Mislabeled? Who cares. Don’t think I didn’t load up my basket and go straight to the cash register! Stores are supposed to honor their pricing, so I far be it from me to look a gift horse in the mouth!

So, get your oven heating to 350 degrees while you line your lightly greased/sprayed muffin pan with slices of your choice of thinly sliced meat.

Next, take your favorite cheese and apply a dollop or small pile in the bottom of the cup. I have used Boursin with onion and chive flavor, delicious! And also Mozzarella. But you can use grated cheddar or whatever strikes your family’s fancy! Next you crack a whole egg into the center. If you want to garnish, might I suggest a dollop of salsa!

My ham egg cups before I put them in the oven!

Put in the oven and cook until your egg is as done as you want it. The meat and cheese I have used provide plenty of salt, but a dash of black pepper tops it off for me! You will not miss bread or crust with these–or the calories that they add! If you want to make this for a quick dinner, I suggest pairing it with a green salad and maybe a glass of your favorite wine!

If you want some more good recipe ideas, feel free to check this page out for a great cookbook!

The great news is, for type two diabetes, at least, research shows this is reversible!!! Doctors don’t say it, in most cases, but the research is there. Following a healthy diet can reverse so many health issues we experience in modern society. One place to start researching for yourself is right here. It was pretty helpful, I thought!

I reversed my own with Keto. I lost a lot of weight and got totally out of diabetic range. Over the last couple of years I quit Keto and gained some back, so now I am on it again and have taken 10 inches off of my middle over the last 6 weeks. If you are thinking of doing Keto, I absolutely recommend it. If you are not sure about it, I noticed this Keto Guide on sale right now, so if you are not into research, a guide might be a good start for you!

#eggcups #diabetic #keto