Get a Grip With Liquid Chalk!

Chalk is for more than writing on a black board, or playing hopscotch! Atheletes use it to get a grip on equipment. Slipping could cause an injury, or loss of time and points in a competition. But at the same time, you don’t want to breathe in chalk dust all day! Enter Liquid Chalk!

This company has developed liquid chalk products that get rid of excess dust and are much less messy to apply!

liquid chalk

This perfect chalk is applied and allowed to dry, giving you a better grip that will last through most training sessions! Even though there is bright red, and some other colors, it is non staining, so no worries about your uniform or favorite work out gear! It does have antibacterial ingredients as well, just in case!

Not to worry, though, they do still have bags of chalk powder, if you prefer it!

And after your workout, I just found this other great product to moisturize with! It is being used and loved by construction workers and soldiers alike! Check it out, right here!

They do have some great work out gear as well, such as singlets! If you have an athelete in the family, then this American company is a great place to get stocking stuffers or gifts. Just saying!