Avoid Toxic Foods! Ingredients That Make You Sick

This is nowhere near as cute as 101 Dalmations, but there is a book we should all read: 101 Toxic Food Ingredients! You have probably heard about toxins in your cleaning supplies, in your favorite scents, maybe even in your personal care items. But going green on all those things, while great, will not help much. Not alone. You must also get rid of toxins in your foods. Toxic foods are more prevalent than you may think!

You can certainly get all this information yourself. It just takes hours of research and time away from your family. Or you can take advantage of the results of Anthony Alayon’s extensive research and make changes to improve your health and future immediately.

The author asks: “…can you REALLY afford to get sick from not knowing the truth about these TOXIC food ingredients?

The answer, of course, is NO!!! No matter your wealth, and even if you have insurance and are able to take off from work and not lose your job. You simply CAN NOT AFFORD THE COST to your life, and the effects it has on your loved ones, either.


It should be true that if the government approves something, it is safe to use. And you would think the same if the government doesn’t ban something, right? The fact is, our own government has refused to ban many substances that are illegal in much of the rest of the world.

Just look at Round UP! It was proven to be deadly! And yet, it is still sold over the counter for anyone to use! Completely without regard for the water supply! Completely without regard for the rest of us who DO NOT want to be poisoned by it!

Its intended use is to kill weeds, even though exposure to it causes deadly diseases. Round Up is not a safe product, even if you follow the directions. And how many people even read them?

It is also actually sprayed directly onto wheat to make it ripen faster. Translate that to turn brown. So when you eat conventional bread, you are swallowing Round Up! Not disgusted enough? Most wheat and commercially grown crops today are Genetically Modified to be ‘Round Up ready,’ meaning farmers can spray their crops and kill weeds, but not the crop.

However, Genetically Modified crops are causing their own health problems for anyone who ingests them.

The problem is, most health issues don’t manifest the minute you swallow a toxic food ingredient. You may or may not feel bad soon after eating. And if you do, you may think you overate, or you may not connect it to food at all. Some conditions, like Autism, are only recently being discovered to be caused and/or exacerbated by toxic foods. And cancers, as we all know, may not show up for years after exposure.

You might not know that the distributor of these Genetically Modified seeds is also the same company that sells RoundUP — Monsanto, now owned by Bayer. So they are getting paid two ways. And neither are healthy for consumers!

The cost of healthcare is exploding, and no one wants to look at the real reasons. Whether you agree with government subsidized health care or not, you need to know that all of our costs will continue to rise as we (as a nation) get sicker and sicker. It is not just that we overeat, or make poor food choices.

If our food and water is contaminated, you are still going to get sick, no matter how healthy you try to eat. And if our foods were not loaded with toxins, even the poorer choices would not have as significant an impact on us. 

This is why I recommend this resource. It is digital, so as soon as you buy it, you can download it and start taking charge of your family’s health. Think of it as an investment in your health. Which is priceless!

You get this book and several other bonuses at an amazing savings! When I checked this offer today, it was Only $17! Just the 101 Toxic Food Ingredients! book would be worth more than that, but I don’t know how long it will be on sale at that price.

I have also found a supplement that can help you detoxify your body sensibly. Even if you stop eating unclean food today, your body likely has stored toxins that it can’t deal with. This product comes from a great company that specializes in healthy beverages, and this product you simply add to your water. You can check it out right here!

Another great book resource I have found can help you determine what foods are bothering you. It is called Listen to Your Body, and there is a link on my health and fitness page in the menu, as well.

Try it out, if you don’t think it worth the money, just let them know within 60 days of purchase, so that you can get a full refund!
