EMF Dangers Can Be Mitigated!

So, Electric and Magnetic Fields, AKA EMFs, are a biproduct of our modern world. And no one wants to give up our conveniences! But you do want protect your family whenever possible. I don’t own a microwave, but those are just one of the things that can generate these invisible streams of energy waves. Other appliances that generate EMF dangers are your wi-fi router, computers, and even the powerlines outside your home! All of these contribute. It pays to be aware!

I remember as a child walking under a major power line section going to and from the bus stop–it was only about 100 feet to totally cross under it, if that, but by the time I got past it, I always had a head ache!

EMF Dangers

This may sound crazy, but for a couple of years I had my horses in a small paddock that was directly under a similar section of power line–and there were times I was certain they had headaches as well. I could just tell they were not in a good mood and not at their best. When we moved away from there, the issues dissappeared. So it is not just a theory.

This new line of products safely and simply blocks these EMF Dangers and reduces the effects!

I recently read of possible links between childhood Leukemia and EMFs. European scientists discovered this in their research. Estimates say it causses as much as five percent of childhood Leukemia! Even scarier than a simple headache!

I read an interesting article on healthline.com about EMFs, and you may want to check it out: https://www.healthline.com/health/emf#EMFs-in-daily-life

There are different crystals used in different products by this company, and I found it really interesting to see what each represents!

I have always loved Garnets. As a kid I went to the river with family members in the North Carolina Mountains and found them in the water. I was interested to find that garnet and also Obsidian, red agate — represents survival and security. This is called Kundalini energy.

These other crystals, coral, Red ghost, and red rabbit hair crystal represent a function, facial features control and animal instinct.

Emotions, health and desires are represented by Amber , Citrine, and tiger eye.

And now I know why I love Rose Quartz! This, as well as Aventurine, garnet, pink tourmaline,  turquoise Turkish stone, and green crystal — represents conscience, imagination, and vitality. Not to mention fraternity, or brotherhood!

Amethyst, and white Quartz represent desire, cosmic consciousness, and piety. Hmm…

The following crystals are just plain beautiful! I don’t need any other reason to love blue crystal, blue turquoise, Lapis lazuli, or sea blue treasure! But they do represent creativity. And surrender.

Some other interesting ones are Fluorite and chalcedony. They represent intuition, inspiration, calming, and also healing. Lapis lazuli can also represent these things!

The jewelry using different crystals and metals, which are made primarily by artisans in Balli, are awesome! However, there are other great products for your cell phones and laptops or tablets as well!

The third image from left is the holograph sticker.

There are ‘stickers’, for example, which actually are holograms with a coil behind them. They help block and redirect or negate the EMF dangers before they get to your body.

And they have a new hand held radiation tester, so you can accurately gage the amount of radioactive pollution from all the modern devices your family uses.

For other things to enhance your health and wellbeing, check out my category page on the menu to the left!

#EMFdangers #EMFs