Get Blockchain Innovation Details and Information here

Terms like cryptocurrency and blockchain have been around awhile. At least, if you have been on the internet or seen a TV in the last few years, you have heard them. But most people are still figuring out what Blockchain Innovation is and how to be a part of it.

Cryptocurrency is the Modern Day Wampum.


In the old days, currency was anything people agreed was valuable. When explorers traded with native tribes, it could have been beads, shells, hides, food, or metals like gold or silver. It was valuable because people agreed it meant something.

Money became more standardized as civilizations evolved. It was just easier to have coins, then paper money.  Next came checks, about the time of the Civil War. All countries in the world today have forms of money. It was decided on by their governments, and regulated.

Over time, it became traditional to store your money in banks. Banks paid interest on savings accounts, and it was safer than carrying it around or hiding it at home. But that still left it vulnerable to mismanagement of the banks. Or outright thievery!

Traditions are changing, though. With our much advanced digital capabilities, especially through Blockchain Innovation, many people decided to trade in cryptocurrencies. This is a global trend, and there are quite a few different types. More businesses are accepting cryptocurrencies every week.

Blockchain is an incorruptible digital ledger of economic transactions that can be programmed to record financial transactions. Actually, it can record all kinds of valuable records- virtually everything of value. You might also hear it referred to as a Distributed Ledger.

I read just recently that there are Blockchain applications now that allow customers to choose which power companies they use. This, of course, makes energy prices more competitive! Now that is a great use for Blockchain Innovation and I cannot wait until that comes to North Carolina!

An article by Christopher Fabian of UNICEF explained his organization is trying to find applications of Blockchain innovation for record keeping and even to benefit the children.

Of course, our focus is on the financial applications.

It really just takes a basic understanding of Blockchain to make it work for you. Therefore, here is some information everyone needs- some useful tips to help you get the concept. There is nothing wrong with educating yourself with more, if you are interested. I just like knowing I can make money with it.

Blockchain Innovation Details In Simple Terms:

  • The blockchain is essentially a huge, global spreadsheet. It is decentralized, which means no one authority controls it.
  • It keeps track of all who sent coins/tokens/information sets to whom, and in what amounts.
  • So, for Coins/Cryptocurrency, blockchain tracks what the balance of every account is.
  • This technology is stored and maintained by thousands of people (miners) across the globe on their computers (referred to as ‘nodes.’)
  • The blocks contained within the chain are made up of all the individual transactions sent or received.  For instance, all individual transactions sent from places like OMINEX, MyEtherWallet, MetaMask, Exodus, Mist, Geth, Parity, and everywhere else.
  • When you access your Cryptocurrency Balances on, or any other Blockchain Wallet, you are seeing the blockchain. not any one personal system. It is the same when you view your transactions on various sources like,, etc.

The Benefits are:

The point of the Blockchain system being decentralized is to bring everyone to the highest degree of accountability. So:

  • No more missed or corrupted transactions.
  • An end to human or machine errors.  No more corrupt or broken databases.
  • An end to transactions or exchanges (made in error) without the consent of the parties involved.
  • Blockchain guarantees the validity of a transaction by recording it on a main register. And also on a connected distributed network of registers.  All of which connect through a secure validation protocol.

I think of Blockchain technology as Internet 3.0.  (Everything evolves.. even the internet, and this helps to make it – better – safer – more reliable).

According to Wikipedia, this undeniably ingenious invention was developed in 2008 by Satoshi Nakamoto. Though some say Nakamoto just invented the first application that used it, not Blockchain technology. It was designed to work with Bitcoin. Since then, it has evolved.

As I understand it, digital information on Blockchain is allowed to be distributed but not copied. This creates an endless and constantly updated database, that is always accessible. This technology has really created the backbone of a new type of internet.

While Blockchain was originally devised for the digital currency, Bitcoin, the technical community is finding many new applications for it. Hence, Blockchain Innovation. Many believe it is making finances, and the evolution of the internet better for everyone. Even on a global scale.

We all saw how the Internet changed commerce. Ok, all of us over 30, I guess. For example, instead of jumping in the car and going to the store every time we need something, now many of us just jump on the internet and order.

You can still go to the store, but if you don’t feel nostalgic for crowded aisles…just get online first and your groceries will be waiting out front when you get there!

The internet is being re-invented with a new revolutionary method called Blockchain.

Bitcoin has been called “digital gold.”  A pretty apt title, actually. I was surprised at how sought after it is.

Although any currency can fluctuate, the total value of the currency reported has been recorded at close to $350 billion US. (probably far more by the time this is read).  Since Blockchains can make other types of digital value, there is really no telling the value of this asset, or class of assets.

Again, you don’t really need to understand Blockchain Innovation details to use them:

Just like cars, microwaves, or DVD players, you do not need to know how the blockchain works to use it. However, when you have a basic knowledge of how banks work, it helps you to be in control of your money. It also helps you avoid unnecessary fees.

Likewise, a basic knowledge of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency helps you understand why it is considered a viable next step from banking.

A Distributed Database – Let us Explain the Blockchain innovation details even more:

Picture a spreadsheet that is shared thousands of times across a vast network of computers (nodes). Any new transaction creates a new block on the chain. This network regularly updates the spreadsheet, when the various transactions are confirmed valid.  That is the basics of Blockchain.  Some of the benefits of  this technology include:

  • The Blockchain Information exists as a shared database of public information. It is continually validated and reconciled. This keeps the records easily verifiable.
  • There is not a centralized version of the Blockchain for a hacker to corrupt. While a bank’s records are kept on an internal server, and could be breached by a hacker.  Money stolen from a bank still has value, but if a hacker were to manage to corrupt a block, the system would lose value. This means a lot of hard work for nothing.
  • Millions of computers simultaneously host the Blockchain. So the data is accessible to anyone on the internet.
  • Ultimate Security and Transparency.  Truth.

More Blockchain Details: 

Blockchain technology has a built-in robust security feature. This keeps it  relevant in a frequently changing technology landscape. This fact also means it is durable. It will stand the test of time. Blocks of information that are identical are stored across the whole network, which means the Blockchain cannot:

  1. Be controlled by any single entity
  2. Or be accessed at any single point of failure
  3. Be corrupted or embezzled

Blockchain details from the history of its Invention/Creation:

Bitcoin was first invented in 2008. And since that time, though there have been attempts at hacking and some claims of mismanagement, there has never been any appreciable disruption of Bitcoin Blockchain operation. I read somewhere today, maybe Investopedia, that said Bitcoin had been declared dead at least 311 times….However, they are over ten years old now. Bitcoin and cryptocurrency are here to stay.

Most people remember the one time remark of Bill Gates that essentially said computers would never be a household thing. That is probably one time when he wished he kept his mouth shut! And I bet he is glad he was wrong, too!

Now, computers are in our houses, our purses, our pockets! The internet has thrived and expanded for more than 40 years.  This is a what we expect from Blockchain technology. It continues to be developed, with more and more uses and applications for everyone.

 Transparent and Incorruptible

The Blockchain network has a self-auditing system. This certainly helps it keep its’ value. It is constantly verifying transactions. First, a transaction is done. Such as a sale. Then it is recorded with the parties involved. All nodes must be in consensus that this is a valid transaction. When agreement is reached, the ledger is updated. The seller is paid.

There is no way to change the information after the agreement. Each transaction is stored on a block of data, which has a hash number. The number of the block created before it is also recorded. The blocks are linked to the chain in the order they are created. So if you change a block, the hash changes. For changes to be agreed to, every single block would need to be updated with the correct new hash numbers.

Every time a new block of data is added, there is that much more in the way to protect from hackers.  All transactions are verified within 10 minutes, which means that the system checks in with itself every ten minutes.

Here are two important properties created by Blockchain:

  1. Transparency. Data is embedded within the network as a whole. By definition, it is public.
  2. It cannot be corrupted. Theoretically it could happen. But the reality is that taking control of the Blockchain would destroy or decrease the value of the bitcoin recorded on it. Therefore it would be a poor target for any hacker. Crooks go for easy marks.

Blockchain details: A network of nodes

A network of computing “nodes” make up the blockchain.

All of the nodes get a copy of the blockchain. When you join the blockchain network, it downloads automatically.

With this new vision for how the internet can function, it gives you an appreciation for this powerful second-level network that is created.

Nodes and their role in the first Blockchain example: Bitcoin.

Every node is an “administrator” of the Blockchain, and joins the network voluntarily. However, each one has an incentive for participating in the network. And you can do this, too. Becoming a ‘miner’ and joining your computer as a node, gives you the chance of winning Bitcoins.

Your computer uses a program which assists in validating transactions. When your work is first to get this done, proving proof of work, the new block is added and you are rewarded a specific amount of bitcoins for the completed block in the Blockchain.

Baby boomers, Gen Xers, and those of us in between, remember that the  internet was once just a way to research information. Then it became a way to exchange information with each other via e-mails. After that, the internet grew into massive commerce, jobs, and revolutionized industry.

At the moment there is a high demand for Blockchain developers. This is not going to slow down. For the techies that have no interest in finance, per se, I suggest you look for ways that Blockchain can enhance fields that do hold your interest. Jobs and Careers are abundant in the Blockchain.

The internet is already evolving again. This evolution is based on decentralized solutions and “truth”, and is a result of Blockchain.

New Bitcoin-like cryptocurrencies (exchangeable value tokens) are available. More are being offered everyday. The original Blockchain concept already has a full range of other potential adaptations that are in development.

The only barrier to new technology is our imagination. What we think of, we can do.

Blockchain details: The idea of Decentralization

“Decentralization” means the network operates on a user-to-user (or peer-to-peer) basis. Blockchain is a decentralized technology, as it was originally created.

Anything that happens within the Blockchain is a function of the network as a whole. What this means to us:

  • With a new way to verify transactions; aspects of traditional commerce could become unnecessary.
  • Cryptocurrency and ICO/Token trades are almost instant on the Blockchain. This means we could have a Global economy of trade operating 24/7/365 with no market opening or closing.  Global.
  • Vital record keeping is now fully public. Like a land registry,
  • A global network of computers uses Blockchain technology to jointly manage the database. This makes the records of structured transactions up-to-date and available at all times.

The Blockchain is managed by its network, and not any one central authority.  Nothing can be hidden. If it can’t be hidden, it can’t be misrepresented.  This is what is meant when it is said that Blockchain creates “truth.” A more transparent business world creates more security in transactions, I think.

Who will use the Blockchain?

Remember: you do not need to know everything about Blockchain to use it. I couldn’t begin to tell you how Computers work. But I use them everyday to work and play. They are a mystery of Life. But they do enhance my life. So does Blockchain.

Financial transactions are still the strongest use opportunities for this technology. Take International financial transactions. For example, the World Bank estimates that over $430 billion US in money transfers were sent in 2015.

These numbers are increasing. Whether it is for businesses that do business across borders, or families spread across the globe. And in most cases, to send money to other parties, you pay expensive fees. Imagine cutting out the bank (middlemen!) and saving those fees!

Access to Blockchain cryptocurrencies became accessible to the general public with the invention of “wallet” applications. Crypto wallets are essentially software that lets you access your cryptocurrency.

These are used by people to buy things with Bitcoin, and to be able to store it along with other cryptocurrencies. I recommend OMINEX for any Blockchain wallet need.

Of course, with any form of money or asset exchange, there is a huge need for identification, verification, and systems to keep us in legal compliance.  OMINEX is the leader in Blockchain compliant solutions and user “wallets” for cryptocurrencies.

Blockchain details: Enhanced security

When data is stored across its’ network, Blockchain eliminates the risks that come with data centrally held. The security, validation and “Truth” offered by Blockchain is revolutionary. And necessary for total global financial solutions.

It also eliminates mistakes! For example, if a business keeps separate sets of records for each division, those must be cross checked and reconciled. At tax time, at least. Humans make mistakes when comparing records and re-entering data.

For tax mistakes, this equals huge fines. Companies using Blockchain for all their records are more efficient and transparent. Therefore, they become more trustworthy.

Blockchain lacks centralized points of vulnerability that computer hackers can exploit. This is especially relevant in today’s society.

We all rely on the “username/password” system for online protection. Today’s internet has security problems that plague all of us. Blockchain security methods use encryption technology.  Therefore, Internet Security, along with almost all aspects of the Internet, evolved with Blockchain.

These methods of encryption are known as public and private “keys”. A “public key” (a long, randomly-generated string of 30 numbers) is a user’s address on the Blockchain. Values (such as Bitcoins, or any Crypto) are sent across the network and then recorded to that address.

The “private key” is a password that gives its owner access to their cryptocurrency, or other digital assets. When you store your data on the Blockchain, it is incorruptible.

You must protect your digital assets and protect your private key!

Some Methods to safeguard:

  • Print it out. This is called a paper wallet.
  • Cold Storage Solutions Such as a Trezor allow you to keep your “Public Key” in a safe location. It has built in, secure recovery points. Click on the Image to order one today.

Blockchain Details: A second-level network

Blockchain technology creates a new layer of functionality on the internet, which benefits us all.

Users transact directly with one another — Bitcoin transactions in 2016 averaged over $200,000 US per day. New internet businesses may someday  completely disrupt the traditional institutions of finance! Why not? It is faster, more secure, and has less fees! because of Blockchain Innovation.  How soon? That depends on how fast we adapt.

Furthermore, if you want to really see how much it has grown,  go here for the latest in Market Cap (This shows you the hundreds of Billions being traded in Bitcoin).

I read that Goldman Sachs believes that Blockchain technology holds great potential. Especially to optimize settlements of financial transactions.  They claim it may save $6 Billion per year, globally. That may be too conservative an estimate. Even for Goldman Sachs!

You don’t need to miss out, don’t worry! We have multiple ways to involve you!

blockchain details

Want to be a part of the future? Become a Miner of Cryptocurrency on the Blockchain. It could not be easier! You do not need to fully understand it. Or put capital at risk to make money. VISIT HERE for the details on safely and securely using your Computers to benefit and earn BTC.

So you make money as long as your PC and your internet is on. You can still use your computer as normal. This program mines the most productive forms of Cryptocurrency in the background. I read about one small business owner that set the mining program up on his 30 work computers and paid a lot of his expenses that way! It didn’t even have anything to do with the business he was in, or affect his employees!

Get DETAILS and Get STARTED HERE.  Taking advantage of this could possibly earn a fortune!  Not from genius mentality, but because you recognize opportunity.  I don’t claim it is a get rich quick option. But it is real. Grab your opportunity on any of the links in this article.

These are new ideas, for some. Feel free to bookmark this page and check back for updates.  I can keep you up to date with the new Blockchain program. Just subscribe to the right of this page. This innovative technology is growing. Take advantage of it!

I want to note that there is no guaranteed outcome with Cryptocurrencies on the Blockchain. Crooks will always try to steal, and hackers see challenges where normal people wouldn’t bother. Having said that, I understand the risks, and still think it is worth investigating. Particularly with mining. You don’t have to invest to participate in Proof of Work Mining.

Most of the people I know who are mining, are just leaving it to grow. They don’t try to take it out and spend it, just let it be a rainy day fund. I have only made one withdrawal.

After my very first earnings, I took my husband out for Chinese to celebrate! That would have been a great dinner, except, he realized he left the stove on. We had just started to eat when he stops with his fork half way to his mouth and announces this!

When I realized he was serious, I jumped up and ran for the truck, leaving him there, scared to death that our house was burning and the dogs were trapped inside! I guess it was bad to leave Steve there, alone, but I run faster than he does! And besides, I didn’t want the restaurant thinking we were skipping out!

All is well that ends well, though. He DID leave the stove on, and the house was filled with smoke. But the dogs were fine. And I did retrieve my husband eventually, too!
