I Am a Marketer

I am a Marketer, much to my own surprise! What I mean by that is–It was never something I thought I would be. Maybe because I used to equate it with sales. And yes, sales make me money, but I am not a salesperson. A marketer links customers with products they need and/or want. I get to review products, often with the perks of getting them free or deeply discounted, and the ones I like I show case here, on my blog. If I don’t like them, you are not going to see them here!

I got into this in 2018 when I found Rory Ricord’s RRR247 Marketing group and signed up to learn his system (not a suggestion, as he always says). I was looking for an alternative from the traditional 9-5…and Boy, did I find it! So, I am a Marketer!

I do it part time around my ‘real job,’ but many of my cohorts have gone ‘all in.’ They have built themselves several reliable streams of income and have retired from their 9-5s! That is the goal here, as well! Each month I see rewards of my actions and I like knowing that it is not limited by someone else! What I also like is that this is a business where your income can continue to grow, but your basic overhead stays constant.

Have you ever heard of any business like that before? The generally accepted thing is that to grow your business, you need to increase your spending on advertising, employees, etcetra. But not with this system. In fact, when I joined this group, not only did I get lifetime training and mentoring, but Rory and his wife, Tanya also fund marketing for me, and everyone else who joins. They simply ask that you use the leads in the way he trains you to, so they are not wasted, and that you pay it forward when you can by showing new members how to do it as well.

Fair request! And I find I enjoy helping others, so I became an instructor with his group…which has it’s own perks! So, if you would like to be a marketer–don’t hesitate to reach out!

What are the perks of a marketer? Well, it can vary with the company who makes the products you are promoting. Sometimes, as mentioned it can be discounts or even freebies to try their product, and sometimes it can be chances to travel at a discount, or even free! I can tell you for sure, the hotels I have visited since joining up with this group are nothing I would have even considered before! Ok, I would, but my wallet would have vetoed it pretty quickly!

One of the things we have promoted is a travel app called Suforia, which often gives great rates, not to mention rebates on your own travel! As well as commissions when someone uses your link and books through the app. In addition to that, currently our two biggest ‘anchor offers’ as we call the really big ones, actually let you earn travel cash and hotel stays.So, if you bust your-ahem!…your travel could be free in some cases!

Due to a particularly crazy year of family illnesses (and my own), I didn’t get to travel at all this year. However, I absolutely loved the two trips I got to go on last year. Not free, I will be honest–but that is my goal for the next ones!!!

Our Wine Ambassador company brings in special vintages of Fine Wines that are delivered right to your door started an Annual Labor Day Event last year at their Napa Vineyard. Even with Covid restrictions, it was such a nice event! And reports are, this second one was even better!

velovita products

Next week our group is attending an event of our second biggest Offer, Velovita. I love these products, and so does my husband! Which speaks volumes, because he professes not to like anything,lol! Their snaps deliver nootropics quickly to your system and you feel them in just a few minutes. No waiting weeks to see if it works…you will know!

I am always looking for new things to promote, and love American made products. We have a lot of boutique items from American entrepreneurs, but if you know of any that deserve a wider audience, let me know! We promote globally, though, so I am always open to new finds from other countries as well!

If you think Marketing might be for you, but want to know who this Rory guy is–he has given me permission to share his book with you! You can go to Marketingisfreedom.com and download a free e-copy right now! Or take a discount on the audible or hard copy. The coupon code is FREEDOM. After you have read it, come back and lets talk!