Legit Online Jobs For You

I remember reading on eMarketer a few years ago that 2019 was going to be a history maker in the world of Advertising. For the first time, Digital, or online ads, were expected to surpass traditional advertising, in terms of money spent. To me, that meant there should be plenty of Legit Online Jobs waiting for me! It was 2018 and I sooo wanted to get out of the call center I was working in. Not to say I didn’t like my job, but I wanted to work from home and knew at some point I wanted to also work for myself!!

Legit online Jobs

 It was predicted that online ads would be over 54%. This translates into approximately $129.34 billion in the United States. I had been looking for years, sort of casually, for something to do online. This was the same year I found Rory Ricord and got involved with RRR247 Marketing. He has a whole system that lets you create multiple streams of income.

The first and most basic, is link posting. You see, it is less expensive to pay people like us for writing and posting ads, either by the ad itself, or by giving you a commission on sales.  They don’t have the overhead associated with regular employees, or offices to have them work in. So even paying you generously saves them money in the long run!

But it is a win for you, as well, because you get to set your own schedule, work the way you want to, and be available for other things going on in your life!

So, you place the ads, the companies get more customers, you both get paid. It’s as simple as that. These companies have LOTS of money to spend on advertising, and will share it with you, in return for your creatively written and posted ads.

Individuals can work from anywhere around the world, if they have internet access! And there are definitely opportunities to make more than you would in a dead-end job. You can work part-time or full-time, it’s dealer’s choice! 

It is not a get rich quick scheme. It is a Get Rich Smart Plan! Legit Online Jobs are out there, but they do require effort.

You do have to put in the time and be consistently posting. But the time you choose to do that, day or night, is entirely up to you.

All you need is a computer with internet access, and basic internet skills. The companies have you post short text ads and submit them into various online sites. No prior work experience is required, just the previously mentioned basic computer skills!

After that, comes what Rory has named Link post blogging. With this, you have your own site that you post your links on, and you advertise to those offer pages. In this method, you get sales from your offers, but you also get the chance for your ad readers to see what else you have..not just the one offer. And in addition, the traffic coming to your site can be monetized by having Google place ads on your site. When you have Google Adsense, some ads might pay you if someone clicks that ad and buys, but sometimes you get paid even if they just click!

Another, newer option, I really like for those of us not ready to give up our paycheck security just yet.

I was just discussing with a friend that I am going to buy a new house soon (I hope). And want to keep my J.O.B. for now, so I can show the loan officers that 14+ year stable employment. Same reason not ditching my bank yet, because I have been with them 23 years.

So, this offer lets you work for yourself, but get paid on an hourly basis every two weeks. So, best of both worlds–security of a paycheck, but after training for these online jobs, you get to schedule your own hours.

You can be paid bi-weekly and work as much as you want. The payroll company handling this offer takes care of making sure you get your money, and they even have a financing program to get the necessary computer and monitors if you need them! The laptops you can buy come preinstalled with the necessary software you need to do these jobs, so you have nothing to worry about but a secure ethernet connection and good quality headset, and quiet place to work. Sound like a fit for you? Then reach out to me and let me get you started! You can sign up for my news letter on the right hand side of the page, or send me a message on Facebook or on LinkedIN.

It might be just a little addictive, so I suggest you get yourself to a good income level and then make sure you take stock of your priorities. Is it enough? Or do you need to do more?   

OR, Are you doing too much and neglecting your relationships? We all want an income that will help keep our families secure, and the jobs you can find through this Legit Online Jobs system can lead you there, but we all still need that work/life balance that makes it worthwhile!


And be sure to check out our menu to the right or click right here for more online job ideas!
